You can prevent food allergies for your baby

In recent decades, there has been a significant rise in the number of food allergies with 1 in 13 children suffering from a food allergy today. New research shows that feeding allergenic foods early and often can help significantly reduce the risk of developing food allergies in infants by up to 80%.

5 expert tips for parents on early allergen introduction:

Image of baby drinking from bottle - 5 expert tips for parents on early allergen introduction
Research & Studies - Image of baby with spoon eating and smiling

Research & Studies

Thanks to findings from multiple landmark clinical studies, we now know that feeding allergens early and often can help prevent food allergies. Benefiting from this new research, guidelines from leading health organizations have been established to recommend feeding allergens for every baby.

USDA logo

“Introducing peanuts, eggs, cow’s milk, tree nuts...could reduce a child’s risk of developing a food allergy.”


American Academy of Pediatrics logo

“Introduce peanuts early to prevent allergy, especially if your baby is high risk.”

~ American Academy of Pediatrics

National Institutes of Health logo

“Early introduction of peanut will result in the prevention of peanut allergy in a large number of infants.”

~ National Institutes of Health

Expert-driven Resources to Help Prevent Food Allergies

All of our education was developed in coordination with our team of leading physicians to serve as an evidence-based and essential resource for parents


Answering the top 5 questions on preventing food allergies


Top 9 Allergens

These foods (or food groups) are responsible for the most common food allergies